General Terms and Conditions Temporary Camping De Elta
Article 1: Definitions
- The entrepreneur: Camping bij ons (Camping with us).
- The camper: the person who has entered into an agreement with the entrepreneur regarding a pitch for a certain period of time. Co-campers are the additional persons indicated in the agreement.
- Third party: any person other than the camper and/or co-campers.
- Pitch: a spot for a tent at our campsite, agreed upon between the camper and the entrepreneur.
- Tent: tent.
- The agreement: the arrangement between the camper and the entrepreneur regarding the right to use a pitch for a pre-agreed fee and period.
- Information: written or electronic data about the use of the pitch, the tent, the facilities, and the rules of Camping bij ons.
- Cancellation: written termination of the agreement by the camper before the start date of the stay.
- House rules: the written regulations containing the rules for the use of the grounds and facilities.
Article 2: Duration of the Agreement
The agreement automatically terminates upon the expiration of the agreed period, without requiring notice of termination.
Article 3: Price and Price Changes
The price is determined based on the price list established by the entrepreneur. If additional costs arise due to a government-imposed burden after the price list has been determined, these costs may be passed on to the camper, even after the conclusion of the agreement (such as VAT and tourist tax).
Article 4: Payment
- The camper must make the payment in euros.
- If the booking is made more than six weeks before the arrival date and the camper, despite prior written reminder, fails to fulfill the payment obligation within two weeks after the written reminder, the entrepreneur has the right to terminate the agreement immediately, without prejudice to the entrepreneur’s right to receive full payment of the agreed price.
- If the booking is made six weeks or less before the arrival date and the camper fails to timely or properly fulfill the payment obligation, the agreement is automatically terminated, and the camper is liable to pay compensation to the entrepreneur in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 1.
- If, on the day of arrival, the entrepreneur does not receive the total amount due, the camper is obliged to fully pay the agreed amount before occupying the pitch. Otherwise, the entrepreneur is entitled to deny the camper access to the grounds, without prejudice to the entrepreneur’s right to receive full payment of the agreed price.
- If the camper wishes to extend the agreement, the camper must have made the payment to the entrepreneur before the extension takes effect.
- The camper is responsible for the reasonable extrajudicial costs incurred by the entrepreneur after formal notice. If the total amount is not paid on time, an interest rate of 1% per month will be charged on the outstanding amount after written demand.
Article 5: Arrival and Departure
- The camper is obliged to present a valid identification document to the entrepreneur for inspection, both for themselves, their co-camper, and any third party when requested. The entrepreneur has the right to make a copy of the identification document and retain it in their records.
- Upon arrival at the campsite, from 3:00 PM on the first day of the agreement, the camper, co-camper, and any third party must report to the reception. This obligation also applies upon departure from the campsite, before 12:00 PM on the last day of the agreement unless the camper, co-camper, or third party intends to return to the campsite on the same day.
- If arrival takes place outside the opening hours of the reception, the arrival must be reported on the next day when the reception is open. If departure takes place outside the opening hours of the reception, the departure must be announced on the day before the departure day when the reception is open.
- The opening hours of the reception are determined by the entrepreneur and announced adequately.
- The entrepreneur may grant exemption to campers with a permanent pitch from the obligations mentioned in Articles 5.2 and 5.3.
Article 6: Late Arrival and Early Departure
The camper is obligated to pay the full price for the agreement for the entire agreed period.
Article 7: Cancellation
1. In the event of cancellation of the agreement, the camper shall pay compensation to the entrepreneur as follows:
In case of cancellation between 2 to 1 week before the start date, 50% of the agreed price. In case of cancellation within 1 week before the start date or on the day of the start date, 100% of the agreed price. A fee of €15 for administration costs will be charged for any cancellation. If, by the camper’s intervention (in consultation with the entrepreneur), the pitch is reserved and paid for by a third party for the same period, only the administration costs will be charged.
Article 8: Use by Third Parties
The use of a tent and/or associated pitch by third parties is only allowed if the entrepreneur has given written permission. The given permission may be subject to conditions, which must be previously recorded in writing.
Article 9: Premature Termination of the Agreement by the Entrepreneur and Eviction
The entrepreneur may terminate the agreement immediately in the following cases:
If the camper, co-campers, and/or third parties fail to comply with the obligations under the agreement, the house rules, and/or government regulations, despite prior oral and/or written warnings, to such an extent that it would be unreasonable for the entrepreneur to continue the agreement. If the camper, despite prior oral and/or written warnings, causes disturbances or disrupts the good atmosphere on or in the immediate vicinity of the campsite. If the camper, despite prior oral and/or written warnings, acts in violation of the designated purpose of the grounds by using the pitch and/or their tent. If the camping equipment does not meet the generally recognized safety standards.
Theft, vandalism, aggression, drug use, or offensive expressions related to race, nature, or religion are among the reasons for immediate removal from the campsite. If the entrepreneur wishes to terminate and evict during the agreement, they must inform the camper personally by means of a delivered letter. In urgent cases, the letter may be omitted, and a personal oral notice will suffice. After termination, the camper must ensure that their pitch and/or tent is vacated and leave the grounds as soon as possible, but no later than within 4 hours. If the camper fails to vacate their pitch, the entrepreneur is entitled to remove the camper in accordance with Article 11.2. The camper generally has no right to a refund of payment due to the premature termination of the agreement.
Article 10: Evacuation
Upon termination of the agreement, the camper must vacate the pitch, leaving it empty and in a fully cleaned state by 12:00 PM on the last day of the agreed period.
Article 11: Laws and Regulations
The camper is obliged to ensure that their camping equipment, both internally and externally, complies with all environmental and safety requirements imposed by the government or by the entrepreneur within the framework of environmental measures for their business. LPG installations are only permitted if they are located in motor vehicles approved by the Road Traffic Authority (Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer).
Article 12: Maintenance and Construction
- The entrepreneur is obliged to keep the recreational grounds and central facilities in good condition.
- The camper is obliged to maintain their camping equipment and associated pitch in the same condition.
- The camper, co-campers, and/or third parties are not allowed to dig, cut down trees, prune shrubs, install antennas, erect fences or barriers, or construct any other structures or facilities of any kind at, on, under, or around the camping equipment without prior written permission from the entrepreneur.
- The camper remains responsible at all times for keeping their camping equipment movable.
Article 13: Liability
- The entrepreneur is not liable for accidents, theft, or damage on their premises unless it results from a failure attributable to the entrepreneur.
- The entrepreneur is not liable for the consequences of extreme weather conditions or other forms of force majeure.
- The entrepreneur is liable for disruptions in their portion of the utility services unless they can invoke force majeure or if these disruptions are related to the connection from the point of takeover by the camper.
- The camper is liable for disruptions in the utility services from the point of takeover, unless force majeure is involved.
- The camper is liable to the entrepreneur for damages caused by their actions or omissions, as well as those of the co-campers and/or third parties, to the extent that such damages can be attributed to the camper, co-campers, and/or third parties.
- The entrepreneur is obliged to take appropriate measures upon receiving a complaint from other campers.
Article 14: Complaints
- A complaint from a camper must always be submitted in writing to the entrepreneur. The submission of a complaint does not have any suspensive effect on the camper’s payment obligation.
- The entrepreneur will assess and reasonably address the complaint. If the camper is not satisfied with the resolution, Dutch law applies.